0208 510 5911
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Our Services

Our Diabetic Eye Screening Team are committed to safeguarding your vision and ensuring the best care for individuals managing diabetes.

Our team is comprised of skilled professionals with a shared mission: to provide comprehensive and specialized eye screening services tailored to the unique needs of those living with diabetes.

Before the test

  • Plan transportation to and from the test; avoid driving due to potential post-test blurry vision.
  • Bring all glasses and contact lenses, along with contact lens solution.
  • Pack sunglasses, as surroundings may be excessively bright for a few hours after the test.
  • Maintain regular eating and drinking habits.
  • Consider bringing someone with you or arranging for someone to pick you up after the test.

What happens during the test?

  • You’ll be asked to read some letters on a chart first.
  • Drops are then put in your eyes. These may sting for a few seconds. The drops make your sight blurry after about 15 minutes.
  • When the drops start working, you’ll be asked to look into a camera. The camera will not touch your eyes.
  • Pictures are taken of the back of your eyes. There will be a bright flash when a picture is taken.

Your appointment will usually last about 30 minutes.

After the test

You can go home when the test is finished.

For up to 6 hours after the test:

  • your sight may be blurry – do not drive until it goes back to normal
  • everything can look very bright – wearing sunglasses can help

You will not get your test result on the day.

You’ll get a letter about your result within 6 weeks.

Have you had your diabetic eye screening yet?

Book your diabetic eye screening appointment today to ensure the longevity of your vision. Your eyesight is invaluable; make the choice that counts.


Harold Hill Health Centre
Gooshays Drive

0208 5105911
